Twitter is a
social networking site that seems to be giving Facebook, myspace and all these other Networking sites real competition. It informs your friends and those who follow your Twitter page, your thoughts and actions within that moment. Please follow
my Twitter page @
TrudyMagnifique. And there's also some folks on there that are very inspirational and are go-getters i.e
motivational, and
You Look Great who has inspirational-humorous quotes like
"choose your own destiny or the booze will choose it for you."
"every obstacle in your path is another opportunity to fake an injury and go home."
"if everybody's dreams came true, the world would have no garbage men. Therefore be thankful for life's high failure rate."
"somewhere out there, somebody you love very much blames you for everything."There are also a List of
actors and
artists, also
Entrepreneurs with some great advise and information. Twitter can also be very useful if you want to promote a product or an event to a wider market. Oh,
comment on this post too, if you're on Twitter and would want us to be friends. Spread the Love!