Monday, 17 November 2008

My Love...We're in this journey together!!

One of my many mandates for this blog, is not only to stay current on today's fashion & political affairs, but to also communicate to people. I would love to hear some feedback and opinions and to exchange our ideas and experiences. So I'll begin with my week. My week went so smoothly, had fun chilling at clubs and relaxing at house parties thrown by freinds and friends of friends! For once, even my studies were somewhat more fun! What I've learnt this week, is that not everyone that appears friendly can be trusted as a friend. And please do not, and I repeat Do Not be telling loud mouthed individuals personal Biz that is private that they need not knowing...because we all know what Loud mouths are like.Treat em' as such...and don't go spilling your affairs to them! Believe you me...I've learnt mine the hard way!
How was your week??
A little HEEL FEED for You & I! Sexy...can I take you home wit me?

Bloody Mary ankle boots

JS shoe boots

Orlan ponyskin sandals

Alti pumps


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